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Dawg Stats

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About this blog

A blog about the numbers and advanced statistics from College Football.  I will primarily look at this through the UGA prism but will cover a lot of teams.  Ask questions, bring your own research, join us as we learn and discuss the games.

Entries in this blog

3 Year Trends of Offensive and Defensive Success Rate

Exciting title, right?  I have made a couple of graphs.  These are the percentage of games where a team's offense beat their opponents defensive success rate allowed.  Alabama is obviously on a 3 year heater with just a few games where the offensive success rate didn't exceed what their opponents were allowing to opposing offenses.  I was a little surprised to see Georgia's as mediocre as it was.  Once I saw the 2020 figure of just 40% of games, I realized that Georgia only had a 44% offensive s

Josh Hancher

Josh Hancher in stats

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