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Dawg Stats

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About this blog

A blog about the numbers and advanced statistics from College Football.  I will primarily look at this through the UGA prism but will cover a lot of teams.  Ask questions, bring your own research, join us as we learn and discuss the games.

Entries in this blog

A question about all of these stats

@Jimmy Guthriehad a good question over in the forum. Be sure to check it out and get your download of our season preview.   Jimmy's question was a good one and I was happy to offer up my take on how to look at these stats and maybe how to use them.  I'll post my answer the blog, but one of my favorite features on the site that @Jon Tweets Sportshas made for you guys is the ability to upload files.  Seems simple, but being able to drop in one of spreadsheets for you guys to have and use on y

Josh Hancher

Josh Hancher in Stats

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