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Dawg Stats

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A blog about the numbers and advanced statistics from College Football.  I will primarily look at this through the UGA prism but will cover a lot of teams.  Ask questions, bring your own research, join us as we learn and discuss the games.

Entries in this blog

Metrics from the Ugly win at Lexington

I did NOT see this coming.  The good news is that Georgia went on road in back to back weeks playing quality defenses and completed back to back SEC Seasons undefeated and as @Graham Coffeypointed out, that doesn't happen often.  Georgia was able to rack up points in Starkville, but not last night getting out of town with a 16-6 win.  The offense did eek out 50% success rate, and Bennett only threw the ball 19 times. The longest gain of the night was a 35 yard pass to Blaylock - which you

Josh Hancher

Josh Hancher in Stats

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