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Dawg Stats

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About this blog

A blog about the numbers and advanced statistics from College Football.  I will primarily look at this through the UGA prism but will cover a lot of teams.  Ask questions, bring your own research, join us as we learn and discuss the games.

Entries in this blog

Missouri Quick Stats

I'll do a full break down... but the Georgia run game averaged 5.1 ypa but .364 EPA and 53% success rate is how Georgia won the game.  It wasn't pretty, but the Dawgs got it done on the road.  Nothing is a given. Georgia orchestrated a win after being down 10 at halftime.  This win could be a harbinger of an incomplete team or it could be a win that Georgia rallies around...  TBD.   Either way.  I absolutely loved watching the Dawgs fight through it. The defense held Missouri to 2

Josh Hancher

Josh Hancher in Stats recap

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