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Dawg Stats

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About this blog

A blog about the numbers and advanced statistics from College Football.  I will primarily look at this through the UGA prism but will cover a lot of teams.  Ask questions, bring your own research, join us as we learn and discuss the games.

Entries in this blog

What the Hell is EPA?

There are so many stats across all the sports that represent advance stats or analytics.  Some  more obtuse than others.  I have always contended that advance stats are no different than the "eye test" in terms of judging or grading a football play or an entire  game.  The advance metrics are just putting a number on "explosive" offense or "stout" defense.   EPA is one of the stats which we will reference a lot on this site as we break down not only the X and O's of the game, but add to the

Josh Hancher

Josh Hancher in Stats

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