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Sometimes it Just Hits You

Jim Wood

Sorry for the late entry this week. I’m on vacation with extended family on Fripp Island in South Carolina, but something just hit me and I had to share.

We’ve been doing this same trip around the 4th of July every year for 17 years. We see friends, family, and friends that are family. We sit on the beach with our books and a drink in our hand. We go to the 4th of July parade. We play Kubb on the beach and take it a little too seriously. We all gather for burgers and fireworks. We’ve watched all of our kids go from building sand castles to taking the perfect picture for their Instagram (although my kids did make a castle again this week which was kind of cool).

A lot has changed, but a lot has stayed the same. There was one thing absent this time around, and it just hit me. There’s a conversation we have every single year that we didn’t have to have this time. Every year someone asks a question, and we all sit around debating the answer. Everyone has an opinion on the answer. Some have a simple yes or no answer. Some have a very lengthy response as to why the answer is yes or no.

And that question is, “You think the Dawgs are gonna do it this year?”

When you just did it, you don’t have to discuss it.


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