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The Junkyard Blawg

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Grown Man Football

Jim Wood

It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since Georgia's first trip to COMO. Missouri joined the SEC, along with Texas A&M, back in 2012. You may or may not remember that Missouri was a trendy upset pick that week, even though they entered the game unranked while the Dawgs were ranked 7th in the AP and Coaches' poll. You probably do remember Missouri's Sheldon Richardson referring to Georgia's style of play as "Old Man Football."

While that didn't work out very well for Richardson in the end, that game was actually much more competitive than the final score. Missouri actually led that game 20-17 in the third quarter before Georgia finished out the game scoring 24 unanswered.

Now, what I suspect most people will think of with that game was Jarvis Jones. He played a heck of a game, and you can debate whether his interception or later strip-sack sealed the game. But, I'm also thinking of another play. Mizzou attempted a fake punt not long after Georgia took the lead at 24-20. Richard Samuel, however, was ready. As you can see below, I was very excited by this play.

I was so excited, in fact, that I made a video of said fake punt.

So on this trip to MIzzou, here's to hoping our special teams can channel their inner Richard Samuel. As I said on this week's My God a Podcast, how about we don't allow a successful fake punt for the third week in a row?

Go Dawgs!


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